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Abraham Ramírez Vázquez, survivor of the February 12th massacre against CODEDI

Abraham Ramírez Vázquez, survivor of
the February 12th massacre against CODEDI.

South Sierra, Oaxaca


¡Long love autonomy!

February 18th, 2018 in the Capacitation

CODEDI. Words from the comrade Abraham

My name is Abraham Ramírez Vázquez,
representative of the Committee for the Defense of Indigenous Rights
CODEDI (Comité por la Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas). We are
present in more than 50 communities of the Central Valleys, the South
Sierra, Coast and Isthmus regions in the state of Oaxaca. As an
organization our main project is building the autonomy of our pueblos
and defending our territory.

On Monday, February 12th, we were
called to a meeting in the state of Oaxaca, with the General
Secretary of Government, to discuss the issue present throughout the
municipality of Santiago Xanica, a post-electoral political issue.
On the way back from this meeting we were savagely attacked by hit
men on a stretch of highway before the district of Miahuatlán, where
3 of our comrades died. For us, we hold the government of the state
and Alejandro Murat responsable because he is the only one
responsable for this explicit crime where we lost 3 of our comrades.

But why did they kill our comrades? As
CODEDI, we have been pushing forward the autonomy of our pueblos in
different regions, which in some way or another affects the interests
of local mafias, the interests of loggers, the interests of big
business that have looted and plundered our territories, the
businessmen that are in the Bays of Huatulco, as well as the mining
companies. So these are the reasons why CODEDI suffers this clear
attack. And we hold responsible the governor of the state until he
can show us otherwise, until he hands those responsable for these
crimes over to the hands of justice.

And we also want to say to all the
comrades, to the national, international and local organizations that
have lent their support, well we appreciate you comrades.

And tell you all that from this place,
the Center “Finca Alemania” a base for our autonomous work,
where we are spreading the ideas of autonomy, we will continue in the
struggle, in the resistance. We are going to intensify our organizing
in the state, in defense of our land and territory.

Politically alive, you haven’t died,
you haven’t died comrade! Your death, you death will be revenged!And
who will will revenge it? The organized people. And how? In the
struggle. So, struggle, struggle, struggle, don’t give up for a just
cause that seeks freedom. Struggle, struggle, struggle, don’t give up
for a just cause that seeks freedom.

Long live CODEDI! The struggle

We see and we feel you, CODEDI

JUSTICE for the three fallen comrades

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